Topical Studies:

10-28-2018 - Principles Really Do Matter... Elections are nine days away. How does the Bible tell us to vote? Today Pastor Mike reminds us of seven principles that really matter.…
On July 4, 1776, the wording for the Declaration of Independence was agreed upon, on August 2, it was signed by 56 men, referred to as our “founding fathers.” The…
When life is draining, exhausting, perhaps overwhelming... when family members are unwilling to recognize the Lordship of Christ, when believing family members struggle with health issues, when a loved one…
Read Acts 1:1-5. What former book? Who was Theophilus? (see Luke 1:1-4) Theophilus [means loved by God], “most excellent” is most likely a title given to a Roman Official, influential…
Mark 11:1-11, Passion Week Begins! Today we begin what is called Passion Week or Holy Week, it is set off by our Lord entering Jerusalem on a Sunday, while the…
God Already Defined Marriage! (I guess the Supreme Court missed that memo...) This past Friday morning, June 26, the Supreme Court ruled that Same Sex Marriages will be legally officiated,…
Sermon Notes Available Soon...
See Matthew 28:1-10... Jesus appeared near the tomb, to Mary Magdalene and the “other” Mary (the mother of James and Joseph, 27:56); He instructed them to go tell the disciples…
Read through Mark 2:1-9. As Jesus is proclaiming the good news in a crowded room (vv. 2-4) four men carry in a paralytic but they can’t get to Jesus through…
Next Sunday begins what is known as Passion Week, the day our Lord entered Jerusalem while all the people praised Him; but five days later, they were demanding His death,…
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